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No New Posts flowing stream

This is just one of the many streams that run through BrookClan's territory, but it is by far the biggest and widest of all. This is where the biggest fish can be hunted for the Clan, however it is a nice place to simply share tongues as well. Reeds line the edges of this stream, providing some protection against slipping and falling into it.

1 4 comfort zone /open\
by ϟlightningϟ
Apr 16, 2012 18:30:35 GMT -6
No New Posts bluebell meadow

BrookClan cats tend to come here by the light of the moon to share tongues with friends and mates during new-leaf, since that is the only time when this meadow blooms. It is a meadow of nothing but bluebell flowers for miles, but it also makes for a nice spot to teach apprentices how to fight.

1 5 Out for a Stroll. (open)
by ϟlightningϟ
Apr 16, 2012 20:40:47 GMT -6
No New Posts broken bridge

Running along one of their many streams is a small bridge which the camping twolegs used to use to hike across it. Ever since the twolegs stopped coming around, the bridge has begun to fall apart. It is very unstable, so be wary when crossing.

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No New Posts abandoned badger den

Somewhere out there is a badger den which used to be home to a family of badgers, but they have long since moved on. You really have to know the territory if you wish to purposefully travel here, as it is well hidden and in the middle of nowhere. Many small rodents take refuge here now, which makes it a great spot to hunt.

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brookclan territory

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newBookmarkLockedFalling ACTIVITY CHECK.
lyric ♫ 7 311 by Aaronoid
Apr 22, 2012 2:44:35 GMT -6
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newPollBookmarkLockedFalling VOTE: tom of the month.
lyric ♫ 0 209 by lyric ♫
Apr 21, 2012 18:32:40 GMT -6
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newPollBookmarkLockedFalling VOTE: she-cat of the month.
lyric ♫ 0 203 by lyric ♫
Apr 21, 2012 18:31:36 GMT -6
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newPollBookmarkLockedFalling VOTE: member of the month.
lyric ♫ 0 194 by lyric ♫
Apr 21, 2012 18:30:21 GMT -6
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newBookmarkLockedFalling tensions rising. [april, 2012 gathering]
lyric ♫ 12 522 by lyric ♫
Apr 18, 2012 15:43:38 GMT -6


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brookclan territory
BrookClan's territory sweeps across miles of uninhabited heather moorland. Many rushing streams and babbling brooks course through it, making this the only Clan to have adapted to water. These cats don't mind getting their fur wet, and they usually hunt water-dwelling prey such as fish, frogs and tadpoles, but small rodents are also available to them.
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